06 Mar, 2025

The rise of the cloud data platform

Some 60 years ago the early adopters of data-driven enterprise implemented Material Requirements Planning (MRP) to improve manufacturing throughput and efficiency. For the first time plant managers used a data platform to foresee outcomes based on optimized plans and schedules. From this great success, the data-driven enterprise evolved to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Enterprise Data Warehousing (EDW) to meet the ever-growing demands for online reporting, analytics, and improved business intelligence. (more)

5 mins read

Top GDPR challenge: Do you know where your sensitive data is?

As companies worldwide scramble to meet new GDPR data privacy regulations, compliance with the Right to Erasure (Article 17) or more commonly known as The Right to be Forgotten has emerged as a top challenge. The problem sounds simple enough since the DELETE function is a standard feature on most any IT system, but how do you delete data if you do not know where it is? (more)

2 mins read

Are you ready for GDPR?

Are you ready for GDPR? Enforcement of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect on May 25, 2018, and most companies are now launching projects to establish enterprise data management (EDM) control processes. Failure to comply with the list of new rules regarding data security and privacy will be costly as GDPR imposes strict fines and penalties for organizations found to be in non-compliance. (more)

2 mins read