3 Reasons why you need an enterprise data platform for GDPR
Recently, Frost & Sullivan awarded Solix with its prestigious 2018 Global Product Leadership Award. We are honored to receive this award, validating our major efforts over the last few years to create a Common Data Platform for data-driven enterprises that affordably address data management, governance, and analytics needs. (more)
David versus Goliath: How to outsmart the competition without big money
I have often been asked how I’ve managed to successfully lead a non-VC funded company to compete with the big guns like IBM and HP. The ability to not only survive but thrive in a world teeming with giants is a formidable challenge, but it is not impossible. And my biggest advice to entrepreneurs seeking to do the same is to not get distracted by factors like size or reach — rather, they should focus on creating bleeding-edge innovations with the potential to disrupt traditional business models. (more)
How to transform your company into a paperless organization
This year, consider embracing one of the biggest breakthroughs in office management: a clean, paperless organization with no impact on trees. Why? The switch saves you money in many ways, such as the cost of paper and printing, it streamlines document retrieval, and helps meet compliance requirements like GDPR. (more)
Why tiered enterprise archiving is the killer app for Hadoop
A recent Gartner report estimates that 70% of Hadoop deployments in 2018 will fail to meet key objectives, citing skills and integration challenges. Apparently, many organizations are taking on Hadoop projects but fail to take them into full production, because they don’t have a clear roadmap or the skills necessary to complete them — eventually becoming pet projects. (more)
Healthcare Data Lake: 5 key benefits
The Economist recently stated, “The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data.” And with today’s IoT (the Internet of Things) devices, industries are being disrupted, and simultaneously brought together with hyper-connected, ultra-personalized experiences. (more)
How to avoid tax audit disasters with print-and-archive
I was recently talking to a major distributor who had just gone through a tax audit nightmare. The taxes in question vary based on the location to which the goods were shipped. What should have been a straightforward audit turned into a complex, expensive process because in many cases the customer shipping addresses had changed over time, and the distributor’s ERP system, like most such systems, kept no historical records of those old addresses, so they could not guarantee that the invoices they generated for past shipments showed the actual shipping location. (more)