18 Sep, 2024

Guide to Bulk Archiving Emails in Outlook for Enterprises

Discover the best practices and step-by-step instructions for efficiently bulk archiving emails in Outlook to optimize data management and ensure regulatory compliance for your enterprise. Email has become the lifeblood of business communication. As organizations accumulate vast troves of vital correspondence, the need for robust email archiving strategies has never been more pressing. One critical […]

3 mins read

An Introduction to Master Data Governance

In this blog, we will discover the essentials of master data governance, its key components, and the transformative benefits it brings to organizations. Learn how to optimize your data management strategy for improved decision-making and operational efficiency. Organizations are inundated with information from countless sources. Amidst this data storm, the concept of master data governance […]

4 mins read

Email Archiving: A “Must Have” For Today’s Enterprise

In my last blog Enterprise Data Archiving: Still Essential in the Information Age. I explored why data archiving for unstructured data and files is incredibly important. This blog explores the compelling reasons why enterprise email archiving is essential for a complete Information Lifecycle Management strategy for enterprises. In today’s digital age, email remains the cornerstone […]

4 mins read

The Data Deluge: Why Archiving Is More Relevant than Ever

In today’s data-driven world, businesses are generating information at an unprecedented rate. One firm estimates the global datasphere will reach a staggering 175 zettabytes by 2025. This data tsunami encompasses not just the traditional structured kind (think enterprise application databases), but also a vast ocean of semi-structured and unstructured data. Emails, social media posts, sensor […]

3 mins read