Email Archiving: A “Must Have” For Today’s Enterprise
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Email Archiving: A “Must Have” For Today’s Enterprise

In my last blog Enterprise Data Archiving: Still Essential in the Information Age. I explored why data archiving for unstructured data and files is incredibly important. This blog explores the compelling reasons why enterprise email archiving is essential for a complete Information Lifecycle Management strategy for enterprises.

In today’s digital age, email remains the cornerstone of business communication. But with its constant flow of messages, managing and storing this data can quickly become an issue. Just think about how many ex-employees data you’re managing in your live email repository. Enter email archiving – a critical solution for safeguarding your organization’s email history and reaping significant benefits.

The Cost of Data Growth: Storage and Compliance Challenges

  • Storage Strain: Radicati Group, a market research firm, projects that the number of global business emails will reach 336.2 billion daily by 2025[1]. This exponential growth strains existing email server storage, leading to performance issues and the need for costly upgrades.
  • Compliance Conundrum: Numerous regulations, like HIPAA, Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), mandate email retention for specific periods. Non-compliance can result in hefty fines, reputational damage, and legal action.

Archiving: Your Gateway to Efficiency and Security

This is where email archiving steps in, offering a powerful suite of advantages that extend far beyond simply freeing up server space. Let’s explore how email archiving can help transform your business:

  • Reduced Storage Costs: Offloading emails to a secure archive frees up valuable server space, minimizing upgrade expenses and streamlining server performance.
  • Effortless eDiscovery: Quickly search and retrieve archived emails for legal inquiries, investigations, or internal audits. Industry reports estimate that eDiscovery costs can be reduced by up to 70% with efficient archiving.
  • Enhanced Security: Robust email archiving solutions offer tamper-proof storage, encryption, and access controls, mitigating the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access.
  • Improved User Experience: Freeing up server space leads to faster email retrieval and smoother user experience. Users can access archived emails without impacting mailbox quotas.

A Glimpse into a SaaS Email Archiving Project

  • Planning & Assessment: Analyze your existing email infrastructure, data volume, compliance needs, and user base.
  • Deployment: Choose a secure and reliable SaaS-based archiving solution. SaaS offers scalability, ease of deployment, and minimal upfront investment.
  • Migration & Archiving: Migrate your email data to the archive securely. Establish policies so that emails are automatically captured and archived seamlessly.
  • Retention & Access: Define retention policies based on regulations and internal requirements. Implement access controls for secure retrieval of archived emails.

SaaS Email Archiving

Why Solix Stands Out

Solix offers a robust and user-friendly SaaS-based email archiving solution designed to meet the needs of enterprises of all sizes. Here’s why Solix is a strong choice:

  • Scalability: The Solix cloud-based archive is built on our Common Data Platform,which scales seamlessly to accommodate your growing email volume, ensuring the highest performance standards.
  • Intuitive Interface: Solix offers a user-friendly interface for easy access to archived emails, streamlining eDiscovery and internal investigations.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: The SaaS model eliminates upfront hardware and software costs, making Solix a budget-friendly solution.
  • Dedicated Support: Solix provides exceptional customer support to guide you through every step of the archiving process.

The Bottom Line:

Email archiving is no longer a luxury; it’s a necessity for modern businesses. By implementing a comprehensive solution like Solix offers, you can unlock a wealth of benefits: supervise emails easily with active classification, monitoring, and alerts, powerful search + case folders to help respond to eDiscovery faster and more efficiently, self-service access to archived emails for business compliance and legal users, and easily enforce retention and legal hold policies. Take control of your email data today!

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