03 Mar, 2025
Governance Challenges in Modern Data Platforms

Governance Challenges in Modern Data Platforms

Modern enterprise business strategies have become increasingly data-driven. With evolving data needs, enterprises have moved on from traditional data architectures like data warehouses and disparate siloes to more unified platforms for data management, like third-generation data lakes and data lakehouses. However, with evolving architectures, enterprises also face challenges in effectively governing and managing their data […]

5 mins read
Aligning Solix’s Enterprise Data Lake with Gartner’s AI-Ready Data Framework

Aligning Solix’s Enterprise Data Lake with Gartner’s AI-Ready Data Framework

Want to listen to this blog? In a recent Gartner article (AI-Ready Data Essentials to Capture AI Value | Gartner), Analyst Rita Sallam outlines critical requirements for AI-ready data and provides a roadmap for organizations to prepare their data for AI initiatives. Let’s analyze how SOLIXCloud Enterprise Data Lake’s architecture and capabilities align with these […]

3 mins read
AI in Healthcare Podcast

AI in Healthcare Podcast

A popular Google search term is “AI in Healthcare Podcast”. That search returns a number of different podcasts, on a number of different platforms. Clearly the topic is popular – and knowing the growth in interest and adoption of AI in all industries, it is not surprising that we would see lots of content created […]

6 mins read