24 Mar, 2025
4 mins read

How Many Terabytes Are In A Data Center? Exploring Storage Capacities in Modern Enterprises

From IoT devices to big data analytics, businesses are producing unprecedented amounts of data. Data centers are designed to grow with these demands, scaling from terabytes to petabytes. They are the nerve centers of enterprises, managing vast amounts of information crucial for operations and decision-making. But just how much data can these centers hold? Let’s delve into the terabytes and data storage world within today’s data centers.

Understanding Terabytes and Data Storage

A terabyte (TB) is a unit of digital information equal to 1,024 gigabytes (GB) or approximately 1 trillion bytes. It helps quantify the immense scale of data handled by modern businesses. A yottabyte is the largest data measurement unit, followed by the Zettabyte, exabyte, petabyte, terabyte, gigabyte, megabyte, kilobyte, and byte. While a terabyte may be more than enough for personal use, it’s just the beginning for companies that manage vast amounts of data.

Data Center Storage: Beyond the Numbers

Depending on the facility’s size, purpose, and the specific needs of the organization it serves, a data center’s storage capacity can vary widely, from a few hundred terabytes in a smaller facility to several exabytes (1 exabyte = 1 million terabytes) in large-scale, hyperscale data centers operated by tech giants like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft. Here’s a summary of the hierarchical structure of data storage and its capacity at different levels:

  • Storage Devices: Individual hard drives (HDDs), solid-state drives (SSDs), and tape drives within a data center typically range from 1 TB to 30 TB each.
  • Data Hall: These devices are housed in racks and cabinets, further arranged in rows within a data hall. A single data hall can hold storage capacities exceeding 1,000 terabytes (or 1 petabyte).
  • Facility-Wide Storage: A mid-sized data center with multiple data halls (about 3 to 10), can accumulate several petabytes of storage capacity.
  • Large Enterprises: Major corporations often operate multiple data centers globally (10 to 50 or more), with total storage capacities reaching hundreds of petabytes or exabytes. Platforms like TikTok and Spotify handle 470 PB and 460 PB of data with Google, respectively.

What’s more – AI applications require vast storage. For example, Meta’s AI Research SuperCluster has 175 petabytes of bulk storage, 46 petabytes of cache, and 10 petabytes of NFS storage.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has the largest global data center storage capacity. Data center storage costs, measured in dollars per gigabyte ($/GB), vary based on storage type, capacity, performance needs, and whether the operator is hyperscale. Data center storage companies include cloud service providers (CSPs), colocation operators, storage hardware makers, OEMs, and virtualization software companies. Here are examples of popular object storage solutions from top CSPs.

How does SOLIXCloud Optimize your Terabytes?

  • Enterprise Data Storage Solutions: Modern enterprises often require storage solutions beyond traditional on-premises systems. For instance, Solix Technology’s cloud-based scalable and flexible data storage enables businesses to scale their storage needs efficiently, accommodating anything from a few terabytes to several petabytes of data. Solix’s data lake house solutions can handle massive amounts of data, making them ideal for enterprises with extensive data storage needs.
  • Archiving Solutions: As data grows, so does the need for effective archiving solutions to meet regulatory requirements and optimize storage costs. Solix’s enterprise archiving solutions ensure organizations can efficiently manage and access archived data, freeing up valuable storage space while maintaining compliance.
  • Cloud Data Management: Managing terabytes of data involves not just storage but also ensuring that the data is secure and governed appropriately. Solix’s Consumer Data Privacy solution helps enterprises maintain control over their data, ensure compliance with privacy laws, and protect sensitive information through techniques like data masking.

Terabyte volume in a data center can vary widely. Still, one thing is certain: the need for robust, scalable, and secure data management solutions is greater than ever. Solix Technology is at the forefront of this evolution, offering a comprehensive suite of tools designed to help businesses manage their data efficiently, securely, and in compliance with industry standards. Solix Technology’s suite of offerings—from data masking to enterprise AI and enterprise archiving—caters to the evolving needs of modern enterprises, ensuring efficient data utilization and compliance.