How To supercharge operations efficiency with an enterprise virtual assistant
The average enterprise manages over 350 Terabytes of data—seven times as much as a small business. With so much data, modern enterprises should seek creative and smart ways to manage the wealth of information they collect on a daily basis, while being mindful about important factors like compliance. With the help of AI and Machine Learning, an enterprise virtual assistant can tap into enterprise data and help augment common human processes across many departments, including finance, HR, and leadership. Below is a step by step guide to optimizing your infrastructure for virtual assistants, and specific use cases. (more)
AI, big data, and cloud predictions: Key trends for 2020
As we approach the second half of 2020, we’re gaining a good sense of how this year is shaping up in terms of the biggest trends for enterprise professionals. Here’s a quick overview of just a few of the topics we believe are going to be transformational for technology professionals and organizations working in artificial intelligence, big data, and the cloud. (more)
Eliminating lawsuits, fraud, and failure: Embracing AI risk management
This is the time-tested axiom of risk management that holds true across business verticals, from insurance and banking to healthcare and manufacturing. If you can identify risk by predicting failure, you can, to a large extent, prevent undesirable outcomes such as litigation, fraud, and lost revenue. (more)
How to pivot your data (Like we did)
When we started data archiving more than a decade ago, the enterprise was a very different place. Companies had challenges dealing with data growth — application performance issues, growing storage costs, and dealing with application upgrades — manageable by today’s standards. To address the data management issue, we pioneered the ILM-ready Solix Enterprise Data Management Suite for enterprises to automate and manage data archiving. (more)