18 Feb, 2025

SAP Active Archiving: Improve SAP System Performance and Reduce Maintenance Costs with SAP ILM

Learn how SAP Archiving can help manage data growth, improve overall system performance and reduce costs.

The widespread adoption of SAP solutions within enterprises has led to exponential growth in data. But if left unchecked, this unmitigated data influx will stretch SAP system resources thin and degrade system performance, resulting in a loss of productivity and frustrated business users. Overcoming these issues requires prioritizing information lifecycle management (ILM). (more)

5 mins read

Seven Steps To Compliance With Email Archiving

With email communication continuing to be the number one communication and collaboration tool for businesses of all sizes, enterprises today are faced with a myriad of challenges to maintain regulatory compliance and avoid costly enforcement actions. New regulatory requirements have placed email under great scrutiny, and it is no longer acceptable to hoard emails over years “in-case-you-need-them”. (more)

6 mins read

Enterprise application data tiering with Hadoop

With widespread digital transformation taking place in enterprises across the world, every CIO wants to know if their infrastructure will be able to handle the resulting data growth. In fact, Gartner in its research has presented that 47% of respondents ranked data growth as the #1 infrastructure challenge for data centers. When data sets become too large, application performance slows, and infrastructure struggles to keep up. Data growth drives increased cost, compliance, and complexity everywhere — including data center, performance, availability, maintenance, and even compliance. (more)

6 mins read