28 Feb, 2025

AI, big data, and cloud predictions: Key trends for 2020

As we approach the second half of 2020, we’re gaining a good sense of how this year is shaping up in terms of the biggest trends for enterprise professionals. Here’s a quick overview of just a few of the topics we believe are going to be transformational for technology professionals and organizations working in artificial intelligence, big data, and the cloud. (more)

3 mins read

How to pivot your data (Like we did)

When we started data archiving more than a decade ago, the enterprise was a very different place. Companies had challenges dealing with data growth — application performance issues, growing storage costs, and dealing with application upgrades — manageable by today’s standards. To address the data management issue, we pioneered the ILM-ready Solix Enterprise Data Management Suite for enterprises to automate and manage data archiving. (more)

4 mins read