Transforming Customer Experience

Solix Partner Program is designed to meet customer expectations and pave the way for NextGen Digital Transformation. Join us to provide innovative and leading edge technologies to optimize applications, infrastructure and cloud investments for every customer.

Solix partnership unleashes a whole gamut of opportunities for partners with a competitive edge to become more data-driven. Powered by Solix Common Data Platform (CDP) - unifying all enterprise data (Legacy, Inactive and Active data) of all data types - structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data - within a single Enterprise Archive repository. This represents a huge opportunity to empower customers with data-driven applications for improved customer engagement, operational efficiency and profitability.

We are constantly looking to engage, collaborate and win with partners. Together, we can deliver world class customer experience and meet their expectations, thereby streamlining more revenue flows.

Let’s join our forces to make every customer a data-driven, digitally transformed and cloud enabled enterprise.

Partner Benefits

  Benefits Platinum Gold Silver Associate
  Fee $20,000/Year $10,000/Year $5,000/Year No Cost
Marketing Benefits Joint Certification Branding Yes Yes Yes NA
Reciprocal Partner Link on Website Yes Yes Yes NA
SOLIX Empower Event Exhibition & Sponsorships At Cost At Cost At Cost NA
SOLIXCloud Marketplace Listing Yes Yes Yes NA
Referral/Reseller Fee Yes Yes Yes Yes
Joint Collateral Yes Yes Yes NA
Sales Benefits Joint Sales Lead Generation Yes Yes Yes NA
Sales Training Yes Yes Yes NA
Territory Global Geo Regional Account
Solix Contracting Agreement Yes Yes Yes Yes
Services Discount NA NA NA NA
Technical Benefits Solix Partner Portal Yes Yes Yes Yes
15 Day Trial License for customer POC Yes Yes Yes Yes
Training Discount 10% 5% NA NA
Solix Certiffied Training* (Minimum) - Annually 5 Consultant 3 Consultants 2 Consultant NA
Solix Cloud Demo environment 24 hrs 12 hrs 4 hrs NA
Pre-Sales Environment Access Yes Yes NA NA
Partner Status Solix Readiness Status (Partnership Badge) Implementation & Consulting Ready (Badge) Consulting Ready (Bagde) Consulting Ready NA

Hear From Our Analysts & Partners

  • Achieving Oracle Validated Integration with Oracle E-Business Suite Expertise gives our customers the confidence that the integration of Solix Common Data Platform is functionally sound and performs as tested. For solutions deployed on premise, in the cloud, or both, Oracle Validated Integration applies a rigorous technical review process that helps to reduce deployment risk and improves the user experience of the partner’s integrated offering.

    David Hicks, Vice President, Worldwide ISV Cloud Business Development, Oracle.

  • EIA solutions are designed for archiving data sources to a centralized platform to satisfy information governance requirements, including regulatory and/or corporate governance and privacy; improve data accessibility; surface new data insights; and gain operational efficiencies. The ability to support multiple content types, apply the same policies, conduct e-discovery activities and searches across multiple content types, and incorporate into the same review process is rated highly.

    Michael Hoeck, Jeff Vogel, Chandra Mukhyala, Gartner Research.

  • Solix CDP offers end to end functionality for data governance and beyond, with particular emphasis placed on big data as well as regulatory compliance in general and data retention in specific. If you care about these areas – and there are many reasons you should – it is more than worth a look.

    Daniel Howard, Senior Analyst, Bloor Research.

  • Information archiving is now available as a service for public cloud users. SOLIXCloud is a tool for organizations looking to archive their data and applications at scale.

    Paul Maher, Partner, General Manager – Industry Experiences, Microsoft.

Why SOLIXCloud?

SOLIXCloud Enterprise Archiving delivers a fully managed low-cost, scalable, elastic, secure, and compliant data management solution for all enterprise data.

  • Single Platform

    Single Platform

    Unified archive for structured, unstructured and semi-structured data.

  • Reduce Risk

    Reduce Risk

    Policy driven archiving and data retention

  • 24/7 Global Support

    24/7 Support

    Solix offers world-class support from experts 24/7 to meet your data management needs.

  • On-demand Scale

    On-demand Scale

    Elastic offering to scale storage and support with your project

  • Fully Managed

    Fully Managed

    Software as-a-service offering

  • Secure & Compliant

    Secure & Compliant

    Comprehensive Data Governance

  • Low Cost & Pay-as-you-go

    Low Cost

    Pay-as-you-go monthly subscription so you only purchase what you need.

  • End-User Friendly

    End-User Friendly

    End-user data access with flexibility for format options.

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