Improve Performance, Compliance And eDiscovery For Enterprise Email
As the number one business communication and collaboration tool, email data is growing at unsustainable rates. Additionally, with 60% of these emails containing business-critical and sensitive information, it is imperative for organizations to consider the regulation and compliance challenges as well as the IT costs associated with it.
SOLIXCloud Email Archiving is a fully managed email archiving as-a-service that aims to simplify eDiscovery, compliance, and management of email growth. SOLIXCloud Email Archiving offers a secure, highly scalable, and user-friendly email archiving solution for enterprises of all sizes. Powered by SOLIXCloud’s Common Data Platform, email archiving simplifies the implementation of a centralized ILM compliance strategy for ALL types of organizational data including structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data.
Key Benefits of Email Archiving
- Supervise emails easily with active classification, monitoring, and alerts
- Powerful search + case folders to help respond to eDiscovery faster and more efficiently
- Self-service access to archived emails for business compliance and legal users
- Enforce retention and legal hold policies
Key Capabilities of Email Archiving
Storage & Costs -
All Emails -
Indexing -
& Monitor -
And Legal Hold -
eDiscovery With
Case Folders -
Search -
Reduce Storage & Costs
Administrators can define archive and purge policies to ensure emails are retained in source only for the specified period. Post the retention period emails, archived emails are safely purged from the source thus freeing up critical storage in the source system greatly helping reduce costs and maintenance.
Archive All Emails
Using multiple collection methods such as Journaling, mailbox synchronization, and file uploads, organizations can now capture and archive all current outgoing and incoming emails and historic email data into a single archive repository that is easy to search and retrieve.
Comprehensive Indexing
Makes a copy of all original email data including the email content, detailed metadata along with attachments and performs a full index for efficient search and discovery in the future.
Supervise & Monitor
Create custom policies to classify and monitor emails in near real-time based on email content, metadata, or presence of sensitive information. Trigger alerts to respective teams based on criteria to ensure swift action. Add additional tags to emails as necessary. All of this helps you stay compliant, monitor undesired activities and make your emails easily discoverable in the future for faster compliance.
Enforce Retention and Legal Hold
Compliance and legal teams can create comprehensive retention and legal holds at an organization, user, email or metadata level easily to help with faster and effective implementation of retention and legal hold policies.
eDiscovery With Case Folders
Compliance and legal teams will be able to perform faster and efficient eDiscovery searches across all inboxes based on a keyword and/or multiple filters to quickly identify emails of interest. They will be able to add retention, legal hold, tags or comments on the emails identified. Additionally, emails of interest can be organized into case folders / collections for faster retrieval in the future.
Powerful Search
Advanced multi-level full text keyword & filters based search helps business users and governance teams to find emails of interest faster. Users can search based on email metadata, email content, attachments, and even tags or comments that have been added post archival.
Self-service Access
When emails are archived, end-users tend to lose direct access to those emails. No wonder business users retain their own .pst copies of emails for future reference. With SOLIX Email Archiving there is no need for business users to maintain local .pst copies of archived emails, they will get their own login to view and access their archived emails in an email client-like interface. Powered by an advanced search that can search across email content, metadata and content of attachments, finding specific archived emails will be a breeze. The search is so advanced, users will be glad their emails are archived.
Why SOLIXCloud?
SOLIXCloud Enterprise Archiving delivers a fully managed low-cost, scalable, elastic, secure, and compliant data management solution for all enterprise data.
Single Platform
Unified archive for structured, unstructured and semi-structured data.
Reduce Risk
Policy driven archiving and data retention
24/7 Support
Solix offers world-class support from experts 24/7 to meet your data management needs.
On-demand Scale
Elastic offering to scale storage and support with your project
Fully Managed
Software as-a-service offering
Secure & Compliant
Comprehensive Data Governance
Low Cost
Pay-as-you-go monthly subscription so you only purchase what you need.
End-User Friendly
End-user data access with flexibility for format options.
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