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From Detection to Protection: <br />The Essentials of Sensitive Data Discovery and Security-Compliance Tools

With the exponential growth of data, the challenge of managing and protecting sensitive data has never been greater. The journey of sensitive data protection and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements starts with effective discovery. Understanding what constitutes sensitive data, where it resides, and how it moves through an organization is the foundation of any data security strategy.

Whether you’re an IT professional, a compliance officer, or a business leader, this ebook will equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to safeguard your organization’s most valuable asset: its data.

Download this eBook now to explore key topics:

  • Challenges in Data Discovery
  • Business Cases for acquiring its Capabilities
  • How Does a Sensitive Data Discovery Solution Work?
  • Essential Features of a Data Discovery and Security-Compliance Solution
  • Future Trends in Sensitive Data Discovery and Security-Compliance